January 19, 2009

Hurrah, a visit to the vet ...

Today I took Philippe to the vet for his vaccinations. Since he's 9 weeks at the moment, he received a shot against Parvo, Corona and Bordetella. He was absolutely calm during the whole process and actually enjoyed the visit to the vet.

When Philippe is 12 weeks, he again will need a vaccination against Distemper, Parvo & Corona

At 16 weeks yet another vaccination against Distemper, Parvo, Corona, Rabies, Fecal Flotation & Lyme.

After the vaccination round, Philippe will need a yearly check up with vaccinations against Distemper, Parvo, Corona, Rabies, Fecal Flotation and a Heartworm test.

Quite a bit of vaccinations the first year. I was suprised how expensive these shots are. Some people claim it's a huge industry vaccinating your dog, that dogs really don't need a yearly check up. I honestly don't want to take any risk not giving my doggy a proper vaccination again nasty diseases.

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